Thursday, May 27, 2010

Dr Claw Suspect #2

Dr Claw and "Mad Cat" have been suspected for years of various crimes, but never something as low and dirty as coupon peddling. The photo shows Claw and Mad Cat stalking their next victim. We think it could relate to the latest deal: half off water sport rentals. She clearly looks the athletic type and would be easily persuaded by this unusually amazing deal.

We need more evidence on Dr Claw and Mad Cat. If you or anyone you know has seen this woman, Dr Claw, or Mad Cat. Please leave a comment. There could be hundreds of victims just like this one.


  1. Half off water sport rentals? A CAT selling coupons for water sports? Cats are supposed to strongly dislike, if not even HATE water! Something is amiss with this coupon. Is the Cat trying to throw us off his trail? Or is there a copy cat coupon hawker out there?

  2. The cat is trying to create the appearance of liking all things humans do. The better we associate with him the more coupons we will buy from him. The more coupons we buy the less soul we have.
