The Groupon Cat has been toying with us, bouncing the stick with the feathers and baiting us with outlandish coupons the likes of which could only indicate more tough economic

times. We must be getting close to The Cat, his henchmen, and his handler the Questionable Man...
The above photo was sent by an unidentified sleeper agent in Katmandu to prove to the world that the Cat is still getting after it, hard.
Through our efforts and your continued support we have uncovered the extent of The Cats North American Operations.
The facts:
* The Cat is out of the bag
* The Questionable Man is The Cat's Handler, and possibly a Federal agent
* The Cat has a propensity for: brief naps, licking, pedaling coupons, pooping in the refrigerator, totting firearms, binge drinking, texting in Haiku, oxford commas, and writing training manuals for his henchmen in iambic pentameter.
* We've got what it takes to cook this cats fancy feast and put an end to his tyrannical hold on your spending habits.
Why should you care about what some frenzied feline does with his spare time?
You see friends, The Cat is getting more and more powerful with every coupon and every outlandish statement about $ 4.99 Stir Fry Sudanese and burgers with cheese.
Walk Hard friends, keep those catnip slingshots loaded
~Nefarious Norman

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