Not only is the Cat spamming us and our emails and our unlisted mobile device numbers with unwanted 953% off coupons for high class bowling and pizza establishments, he is now stealing jobs from unemployed Americans.
The Cat was recently spotted enjoying the cubicle life at an unidentified business. We received this photo of the Cat in an office and can only assume he is trying to send some sort of message about unions. Due to the fact that the Cat is sticking out his Cat tongue, we can draw the conclusion that he is mocking us about stealing a job. Or perhaps the building in which his new office is located has poor heat control and he is panting like the dog that he is.
If you notice office supplies at your work locale are being replaced with 67% off coupons and leads for Staples, that you may or may not intend to use, please do not use them. Instead, leave blog comments on the location of your work/office/Staples coupon and we will investigate.